Coronary heart disease: prevention, early detection, prognosis
As the symptoms of coronary heart disease are often only very mild in the early stages of the disease, early detection is difficult. However, you can do a lot yourself to reduce the risk of illness. As coronary heart disease is often caused by hardening of the arteries, a healthy lifestyle is extremely important for prevention. First and foremost, this means that you
- give up cigarettes(smoking advice)
- Avoid or reduce excess weight – through a permanent change in diet and regular exercise,
- learn to deal with stress as well as possible – e.g. by learning a relaxation technique such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation,
- get enough exercise – suitable endurance sports include walking, swimming or cycling – and
- eat a healthy and varied diet – i.e. lots of vegetables and fiber, as little animal fat and salt as possible.
If you suffer from other complaints such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol or diabetes, you should have these treated properly. Regular health checks are also important – especially if you have already had a heart attack or have a family history of coronary heart disease or other heart problems.
Course and prognosis
As a rule, medication or sometimes an operation that directly removes the vasoconstriction relieves the symptoms very well. In the long term, however, you should try to change your lifestyle. This prevents arteriosclerosis from progressing further or reappearing at a different site – and thus worsening the prognosis of your disease. You should also take your medication regularly and remember to come to us for check-ups.
It is important to treat coronary heart disease as early as possible. All the better to prevent damage to the heart. If coronary heart disease is treated too late or not sufficiently, heartfailure or heart rhythm disturbances can develop and have a negative impact on the further course of the disease. Without treatment, the risk of sudden cardiac death or a heart attack increases. Important: A heart attack is life-threatening. If you suspect an accident, call the emergency services immediately (144).
Coronary heart disease: treatment in several steps
The treatment of coronary heart disease is very important in order to prevent a severe course of the disease and to improve the quality of life of the person affected. The right therapy requires not only medical knowledge, but also the help of the person suffering from the disease. It often involves a combination of several measures.